Sunday, March 18, 2012


If a woman retires at 65 (currently the minimum age is 60), in Brazil, and at 35 years of contribution to Social Security (currently 30), the following happens:
  • She will continue contributing to Social Security for over 5 years;
  • Obviously, she will not receive a pension upon retirement during this period, since she will continue to work;
  • The Social Security will settle its deficit, since it will receive contributions rather than disburse them;
This measure could be implemented for a trial period and as soon as the Social Security accounts are "resolved" the Government would present the proposal to 62.5 retirement age for both sexes, as well as 32.5 years of contributions to Social Security.

 Remember : If the female retires earlier, this means that men are paying for women to retire sooner. It's also good to remember that women live longer than men.
It is obvious that no action works alone. The Government, along with lawmakers and unions are to list a set of steps to facilitate this proposal.
By Edvan

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