Friday, March 23, 2012


 Suspected of inciting violence on the web already had convictions for racism.

The Court has sentenced a former student at UNB - National University of Brasilia for offenses on social networking site.

The 'Operation Intolerance' was launched in Curitiba - Parana - Brazil . Two were arrested.
One of two men arrested by federal police on the morning of Thursday (22) in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
(on the right)
 They are suspected of feeding sites with messages that incited violence against blacks, homosexuals, women, Northeastern and Jews, and the encouragement of sexual abuse children had already been convicted in 2009 by the Court of the Federal District by racism on the Internet. The suspect called blacks "monkeys underdeveloped," "thieves," "dirty," "poor" and "scoundrels."
 A 14 year old teenager was attacked by a student's mother and two friends when she leaves the State School Antonio Gomes Correa in Gravatai, in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul.

"I got sick and asked my friends take me to school. Then I fainted. When I woke up, they were already hitting me," says the young woman, still shaken.
Images recorded on the phone by another student at the school show that the mother, purple blouse, a colleague's daughter attacks with several punches. In turn, other students accompany the scenes, but no one interferes.
The prosecutor will also investigate the case, but has not received the information.
The girl still attending classes, but in spite of living near the school, is the mother who takes her daily until the gate.
The other women in the video were not available for comment aggression.

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