Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Let's Talk About ABORTION ...

The law in Brazil

Credit: Istock/Space_Cat

According to article 124 of the Brazilian Penal Code, abortion is considered a crime against life and the predicted penalty is one to three years.

Abortion is not punished only in three situations: in case of rape, risk of death for the mother or if the fetus is diagnosed with anencephaly.

"Prohibiting abortion does not reduce the number of times the procedure is performed because women will no longer accept this control over their bodies."

Here are 8 shocking data on abortion:

1. Every two days a woman dies of unsafe abortion in Brazil. Every year, 1 million clandestine abortions occur;

2. There are 250 thousand hospitalizations in the SUS (Unified Health System) and R $ 142 million spent because of post-abortion complications.

3. One in five women under 40 have already aborted in the country, according to the National Abortion Survey, developed by Anis - Institute of Bioethics.

4. Abortion women are usually married, have children and 88% of them declare themselves Catholic, evangelical, Protestant or Spiritist.

5. About 20 million abortions are carried out worldwide in an insecure way each year, resulting in the deaths of 70,000 women, especially in poor countries and legislation restricting abortion.

6. 97% of clandestine abortions occur in developing countries. At the same time, 80% of developed countries allow the procedure.

7. A survey by the World Health Organization and the Guttmacher Institute (USA), published in 2016, showed that in countries where abortion is banned the number of procedures is not lower than in places where it is legalized.

8. In 2007, Portugal authorized abortion until 10 weeks of gestation. Ten years later, a survey by the NGO Association for Family Planning shows that the number of abortions has dropped and the deaths resulting from the practice are almost nil. In the 1970s, there were 100,000 abortions, 2% of which resulted in death, while data from 2008 shows that the country recorded 18,000 abortions, and today this number is steadily declining.

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