The actor Thiago Klimeck, 27, who hanged himself accidentally during the staging of the Passion of Christ on Friday (6), remains hospitalized in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) of the Santa Casa, Itapeva (290 km from Sao Paulo).
According to medical report released on Tuesday afternoon, a CT scan done showed lesions in her skull caused by the accident. The family did not authorize the medical staff to disclose further details.
Thiago without sedation is more than 50 hours and remains stable in a coma. His condition is still considered serious, and he breathes with the aid of equipment.
Thiago is on life support since Saturday morning, after having severe and prolonged cerebral hypoxia - when lacking oxygen to the brain.
According to the doctor Mazen Haidar, they had to put him in an induced coma due to constant seizures.
Also according to the doctor only when Thiago WAKES UP is possible to check whether the accident will leave sequelae.
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